Most visiting Place and Historical place in Guwahati, Assam

Guwahati is a major city of Assam. There are lots of most beautiful visited places as well as lots of historical places. Today we discuss the three most historical and amazing visited places of Guwahati i.e
1. Navagraha Temple
2. Umananda Temple and
3. Kamakhya Temple


The Navagraha Temple of Guwahati of Assam was built by Ahom king Rajeshwar Singha during end of 18th century. The temple was renovated in 1923. It is adroned with nine shivalingas which are representing the nine grahas.

This Shiva temple is beautifully situated on the Peacock Island which is tucked at center of Brahmaputra River in Guwahati.    


The Kamakhya temple is not just a famous pilgrimage site in Assam, but is also a unique temple in the country.

Located on the Nilachal hill in the capital city of Guwahati, the deity of the temple, Kamakhya Devi is revered as the ‘Bleeding Goddess’.




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